Junagadh Kite Store Customer is useful for finding Kite provider in Junagadh city.
Junagadh Kite Store Customer providers most of the features access as a Guest user no need for login or signup.
-> User can see all the stores on the map and in listing manner.
-> User can add a store in the favourite list to access it easily.
-> User can see store details like Name, Image, Address, timing.
-> User can see store location on the map and can also see the route to the store on map.
-> User can see available items on the store and can place an order.
-> User can mark the Kite Store as a favourite.
->User can chat with Providers.
-> User can see past order history with accepted and ongoing order status.
-> User can access favourite Kite Store list from the side menu.
-> User can see photo-gallery images.
This application does not provide a facility for online payments and delivery services, Customer has to collect order manually.
Thank you for using this application.